BII News - BII hires profile to strengthen PoC program

BII hires profile to strengthen PoC program

BII hires profile to strengthen PoC program

On August 1, Louise Clemmensen joined the BII team as responsible for the Proof of Concept program for early-stage life science projects with commercial potential.

Louise Clemmensen holds a M.Sc in pharmaceutical sciences and a Ph.d. in protein medicinal chemistry. Following a 2-year postdoc at University of Copenhagen, she has for the past five years worked with research project management and fundraising. In addition, she has worked in the local biotech start-up company, Avilex Pharma, which focuses on developing neuroprotective drugs.

We talked to Louise Clemmensen and asked for her advice to PoC applicants.

Why did you decide to join BII?
I have been working with grant proposals from the other side of the table for five years and wanted to be part of a vibrant organization that gives research projects the chance to explore their discoveries and potentially make a huge impact on society. The opening at BII was the perfect match and the position allows me to follow the grantees throughout the program and the maturation of their ideas.

What will your tasks be at BII?
My focus will be to engage with both applicants and grantees of the PoC program. Unlike similar grants, the BII grant focuses on the commercial potential of the projects and the grantees will have the opportunity to meet our large network and experts on business development here at BII during the program. Currently, we are planning a symposium in September for the 16 projects in the program.

What is your advice to the applicants for the open call?
There are four major things to address in a PoC application: the novel idea, the team, the commercial potential and the financial feasibility. As commercialization is a ground pillar in the BII grant, you must be able to identify market value and end-user. Besides from that it is always a good idea to discuss the major aspects of the application with your network and get feedback to submit the best possible version.

Do you want to be part of the program? Apply before August 15.

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